Who am I?
Welcome to makingcashmoves.com
So here is the deal.
This page is dedicated to getting your Finances in order.
Many of you will ask- who is she to tell me how to get things in order….
Well I can run down my education and credentials (see here) but I feel my qualifications are based on my experience as a mother, wife, and a person who has struggled financially. I’ve been in debt (still paying off some credit cards)
I have had money challenges. I have student loans, owed the IRS, settled credit cards, avoided garnishments and hated car payments.
I’ve wanted to invest and I have had no clue where to start.
In all honesty if you are a millionaire this page may not be for you
But..if you are a person working hard for money and trying to hold on and save as much as you can, you are in the right spot.
The people who need financial planning the most, can’t afford a financial planner.
So I am here to help.
I am not a millionaire, I work every day and I have so many financial goals. Overall, I do want to share what has helped me and what can potentially help you.
My website is dedicated to real life, real people and real money situations.
I want you to know that you are not alone.
Even with all of my education I still need to take a moment and recalibrate my budget, and revamp my savings approach and coach myself out of excessive spending.
I want to help you make cash moves that will help you in your life.
What am I offering….
- I offer insight into specific financial topics… FOR FREE
- I offer financial classes for a small fee
- Promotion of products that I have used and or like
- Private sessions and consulting for one on one help
I promise that I will not bug you all the time…but I will check in with my members to make sure they are in tune with the items that will help them make cash moves.
Its your MOVE now…
What do you want to do.